Time Filters

Some filter fields operators are only applicable to time-based inputs E.g. when filtering for specific periods when the queried transactions have taken place.

There are two types of time operators:

  • absolute

  • relative

Absolute Time Operators

Absolute time filters use the specific time values to generate your query results. These are useful when creating queries for specific time ranges.

Relative Time Operators

Relative time filters allow you to create queries with rolling date values relative to the current date. These are useful when creating queries that update each time you run the query.

Partial or Complete Time Periods

The operators you use determines whether partial time periods or only complete time periods will be included. For example, the expression 3 days includes the current, partial day as well as the prior two days. The expression 3 days ago for 3 days includes the previous three complete days and excludes the current, partial day.

Time OperatorDefinition

is in the last

Up to and including the current GMT time.

is on the day

A specific date in GMT.

is in range

A specific GMT date range.

is before

Excludes the time you specify.

E.g. The filter field "is before" 2018-01-01 will display results from all dates before 2018-01-01, but not data from 2018-01-01.

is on or after

Includes the time you specify.

E.g. The filter field "is on or after" 2018-01-01 will display results from all from 2018-01-01 and all dates later than 2018-01-01.

is in the year

Specify the year.

is in the month

Specify the month and the year.

is this

Specify the current day, week, month, quarter, or year.

E.g. "is this" "month" will display results from the first GMT day of the current month, to the current day, even if the current day is incomplete.

is next

Specify the coming day, week, month, quarter, or year.

E.g. If the current date is 2018-01-01, "is next" "week" is the following Monday going forward 1 week (2018-01-08 00:00 through 2018-01-14 23:59).

is previous

Specify the previous day, week, month, quarter, or year.

E.g. If the current date is 2018-01-01, "is previous" "week" is the previous complete seven days and excludes the current, partial day.


For excluding the current, partial, incomplete day, week, month, quarter, or year and including the user specified period thereafter.

E.g. The expression 3 days ago for 3 days includes the previous three complete days and excludes the current, partial day.

is null

Used when querying data where the time value is empty.

is any time

The time frame for the query is left open to encompass the maximum range of times available to be queried.

is not null

Used to exclude data where the time value is empty.

matches a user attribute

Filters to automatically customize a Look or Dashboard for that specific User and is an optional customization.

Contact your ChainArgos administrator for more information on customizing this function.

matches (advanced)

Closer to natural language inputs.

Specific rules apply for including special characters in the filter:

  • to include ", %, or _, prefix the filter with the character, ^. For example: ^", ^%, and ^_

  • to include a leading -, prefix the filter with the character, ^ . For example: ^-. This is only necessary if the - is the leading character (at the front of the filter field), you do not need to include the character, ^ , if the - is inside the filter field

  • to include ^, prefix the filter field as ^^

  • to include a comma in a regular filter field, prefix the comma with a backslash character, \. For example, hamas\, terrorists

  • to include a comma with the matches (advanced) option in a filter, prefix the comma with the escape character, ^. For example, hamas^, terrorists

Last updated