Address Rankings

ChainArgos programmatically and automatically ranks wallets based on:

of tokens that are covered by ChainArgos.

Wallet rankings are preceded by the symbol "#" and also marked with emojis based on their rank.

Only the Top 100 wallets are ranked:

πŸ₯‡- (Gold) Top 10 Wallets for that Metric

πŸ₯ˆ- (Silver) Top 11 to 50 Wallets for that Metric

πŸ₯‰- (Bronze) Top 51 to 100 Wallets for that Metric

Transaction Count

"txn count" refers to the number of transactions "in" or "out" of an address and is displayed in the following format:

  • [token symbol] #[ranking] by [in/out] txn

E.g. An address may make millions of tiny transactions out and would rank very highly in outward transaction count even if the absolute value of the transfers was not significant.

Maximum Historical Balance

"max ever balance" means that this address was historically the #[ranking] largest ever holder of [token symbol] to date and is displayed in the following format:

  • [token symbol] #[ranking] max ever balance

E.g. An address may be the 10th largest holder all-time of a specific token, but that ranking may change if it is surpassed by another larger holder, and as such, this ranking is dynamic.

"max ever balance" should not be confused with "current balance" which will rank a wallet address based on its current holding of a specific token.

Current Balance

"cur balance" is a dynamic ranking and constantly changes. The ranking is accurate for that instance a query is made and is labeled in the following format:

  • [token symbol] #[ranking] cur balance

E.g. An address may currently be the 10th largest holder of a specific token, but will no longer receive this ranking if the address no longer holds a large number of that specific token at a later date.

Lifetime Sent

"lifetime sent" is a dynamic ranking and constantly changes. The ranking is accurate for that instance a query is made and is displayed in the following format:

  • [token symbol] #[ranking] lifetime sent

E.g. An address may currently be the 10th largest lifetime sender of a specific token, but will no longer receive this ranking it is surpassed by another larger sender, and as such, this ranking is dynamic.

Lifetime Received

"lifetime received" is a dynamic ranking and constantly changes. The ranking is accurate for that instance a query is made and is displayed in the following format:

  • [token symbol] #[ranking] lifetime recv

E.g. An address may currently be the 10th largest lifetime receiver of a specific token, but will no longer receive this ranking it is surpassed by another larger receiver, and as such, this ranking is dynamic.


"recv" is a static ranking and provides information about whether an address is an early receiver of a specific token. The ranking for "recv" does not change over time and is labeled in the following format (with no emoji attached):

  • [token symbol] recv #[ranking]

E.g. An address which is the 10th "Recipient" of a specific token provides information on the nature of that address. For example, it could suggest the address was an early investor into the token, part of the founding team, closely associated with the token project, a venture capitalist, etc.

Last updated