Table math

Maybe you do not like our sign conventions. Or want to run a calculation that involves several different columns in different ways. Or just change the formatting of a column of numbers. The data in DashArgos is editable just like a spreadsheet: you can write whatever formulas you want with the data you've extracted.

This look use the "table calculation" feature to:

  • Add two columns together: Net Amount

  • Change the format of a column: Negative Minting Formatted as $

  • Do some algebra: Fraction Minting

Each of these is set up as a custom field and you can see how it was set up by editing that field.

You can even hide field you do not want -- for example, if you want to change the formatting you probably do not want to see our default formatting -- by going to Visualization->Series->Customizations and disabling "Cell Visualization." The data is still there but this hides it.

Last updated