This example shows how to do basic wallet inflows analysis. Here we are building an entirely open-source analyzer. You can see exactly how numbers are calculated, change the rules to your liking or add new ones.
For this demo set the address of interest here:
Note this file also specifies what DashArgos queries to run on top of. You can set up new queries and point your code to them if you wish.
This file specifies our is this inflow source a problem? definition:
Now we can look at the main function. This grabs all the inflows, looks up the categories associated with inflow wallets, computes what we want to compute and then (lightly) formats the output.
A range of helper functions which wrap the underlying API are here:
def is_suspicious_address(address, inflows, categories):
this_categories = categories[address]
this_label = inflows.loc[(inflows[TRANSACTIONS_FROM_ADDRESS] == address)][FROM_WALLET_LABELS]
if 'blacklisted' in this_categories or 'ofac' in this_categories or 'terrorists' in this_categories or 'darknet market' in categories:
return True
elif 'cex' in this_categories:
# exchanges are not suspicious without one of the above tags
return False
elif 'suspicious' in this_categories:
# this catches non-exchanges which don't have a specific suspicious tag
return True
return False
# which address to check
ADDRESS = "0x346eF244464679b031750f70D750B3FA65165443"
# which looks to use for the underlying information
TOKENS_SYMBOL = "Tokens Symbol"
TRANSACTIONS_FROM_ADDRESS = "Transactions From Address"
TRANSACTIONS_SUM_OF_TRANSFER_AMOUNTS = "Transactions Sum of Transfer Amounts"
FROM_WALLET_LABELS = "From Wallet Labels"
WALLETS_ADDRESS = "Wallets Address"
WALLETS_CATEGORIES = "Wallets Categories"
# separator in returned lists
JOINER = " ;; "
import looker_sdk
import pandas as pd
from looker.wallet_eval.config import ADDRESS, TRANSACTIONS_FROM_ADDRESS, TOKENS_SYMBOL, \
from looker.wallet_eval.helpers import lookup_address_categories, lookup_inflows, grab_wallet_categories
from looker.wallet_eval.is_suspicious import is_suspicious_address
# compute total flows by token and number of flows by token
def compute_total_flows(inflows):
tokens = inflows[TOKENS_SYMBOL].unique()
total = {}
num = {}
for token in tokens:
total[token] = sum(inflows.loc[(inflows[TOKENS_SYMBOL] == token)][TRANSACTIONS_SUM_OF_TRANSFER_AMOUNTS])
num[token] = len(inflows.loc[(inflows[TOKENS_SYMBOL] == token)][TRANSACTIONS_SUM_OF_TRANSFER_AMOUNTS])
return total, num
# work out what fraction of which flows are from suspicious or other sorts of flows
def main():
looker = looker_sdk.init40("../looker.ini")
inflows = lookup_inflows(looker, ADDRESS)
# grab inflow source addresses and labels
inflow_addresses = inflows[TRANSACTIONS_FROM_ADDRESS].unique()
tokens = inflows[TOKENS_SYMBOL].unique()
# now get categories for each inflow wallet
category_result = lookup_address_categories(looker, inflow_addresses)
categories = grab_wallet_categories(inflow_addresses, category_result)
# we are now in a position to determine which inflows are suspicious, sanctioned or otherwise
sus_addresses = []
for address in inflow_addresses:
if is_suspicious_address(address, inflows, categories):
total_amounts, total_xfers = compute_total_flows(inflows)
sus_amounts, sus_xfers = compute_total_flows(inflows[inflows[TRANSACTIONS_FROM_ADDRESS].isin(sus_addresses)])
header = ["token", "total inflow", "flagged inflow", "fraction flagged",
"# inflows", "# flagged inflows", "fraction inflows flagged"]
data = []
for token in tokens:
total_amt = total_amounts[token]
sus_amt = sus_amounts[token]
total_num = total_xfers[token]
sus_num = sus_xfers[token]
frac = sus_amt / total_amt
frac_num = sus_num / total_num
res_l = [token, total_amt, sus_amt, frac, total_num, sus_num, frac_num]
out_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=header)